This updater is provided as a means for faster updates of my programs. It was written in a hurried response to the reports of ERROR 5s in the Copernicus 2.00 update software that was shipped between November 15th of 1991 until November 30th of this same year. When we were mastering disks back in October of this year, this corruption appeared at the last minute, after we had mastered some disks. I thought all of the bad masters were remastered, but this turned out not to be true, sorry!
It took me a couple of days to determine what happened, but in the mean time, the question was how to update those few who were unlucky enough to get these disks. Here is the results of my efforts, an updater. You can use this updater against any version of Copernicus II to date.
How to use this updater:
1. Run the updater on a backup of the Copernicus II application.
(Move the copy you make of Copernicus II into the folder with
the updater file and updater application)
2. Wait for the first Open File dialog box.
3. Select the Updater data file that should be named something along the lines of "Cop -> 2.01". Don't worry it should be the only thing you can select.
4. Wait for the second Open File dialog box.
5. Select a backup copy of your Copernicus II application. If you select the wrong application the updater will ask you until you get it, not allowing you to continue.
6. Sit back and watch your Copernicus 2.00 turn into 2.01.
What has changed:
This updater will take care of the ERROR 5 in reply quoted problem. It will also fix all known/reported software glitches. So you can run this on any Copernicus II to to bring yours up to date. You do not need to be running a corrupted version to use this. You can also run it multiple times against the same Copernicus II without problem.